BT’s Bar is (finally) Open for Service
Many of you remember my (David’s) middle son, Adam. He was a charming, articulate, skilled waiter at Bethany’s Table for several years. Adam spent a lifetime watching his Dad push rope uphill. Waiting tables gives one the satisfaction of providing enjoyable and memorable experiences for folks, but other than that the only outcome you have at the end of the day is cash. Adam decided to produce outcomes for a living. Beautiful outcomes, as it turns out.

Having twice sanded off failed finishes we took the careful route on attempt No. 3. The bartop is on Day 9 of its final cure and is now open for service.
Acting as Adam’s helper as he created this magnificent piece of art rates as a topnotch deathbed memory. As hard as it was, as long as the days ran, as frustrating as it’s been from time to time… throughout the process my sense of the pleasure I would feel upon recollecting this piece of the project never left me. I simply could not be prouder of Adam.