The Stuff of Life
There were a few places that we took the kids to regularly when they were growing up. Chief among those were The Original Pancake House and Three Square Grill. The staff and ownership of our regular haunts watched the boys grow up. Three Square was similar to Bethany’s Table. It was a husband and wife team, with Barbara out front or in the garden and David in the kitchen. They were part of our family. And the stories of special connections and events surrounding the Pancake House go on and on.Now we see things from the inside out. After twelve years in the neighborhood we have watched children grow up and families evolve. Andreas, who puts in a couple nights in pantry each week while working his way through college, has been coming in with his family since he was eight years old. Folks have had their first date at the restaurant, then proposed, then came in with stroller packed with precious cargo… Future dishwasher?We have also lost people dear to us. Folks pass and we don’t see them for a while and then we learn that they’re gone. Sometimes we are in the family fold, see it coming, experience the exquisite pain of the moment and grieve (and celebrate) together with the family. This is one of those times.Paula Yazzolino was a person you wanted to know, the story you wanted to hear, the insight that answered your question. Few receive the gifts that Paula was blessed with. She was loved by all who knew her. Nobody ever wished for less of Polly. Peter and Paula initially came to us with a wine group, friends that got together for 40 years to drink wine, eat and even travel together. Paula was a 40-year-friend kind of gal. She and Pete were married for 56 years. Their children Tony and Jennifer are wonderful people.We are nourished by our relationships. We are enriched by all of the stories. We’ve been blessed to know Pete and Paula and were fortunate to see them regularly. Paula had her faith and knew where she was headed once she crossed the threshold. We are left with fond memories and exquisite pain. We will miss you Paula.Read Paula's obituary here.