The Marketplace is Closing

It has been five months since Bethany’s Table reinvented itself, reopening with our beautiful bar, refitted kitchen, added private dining room and wine room. Business in the restaurant is up substantially.  In the Marketplace, not so much.

The Marketplace has a dedicated following of regular customers. They swear by it, declaring it a lifesaver, but the volume isn’t there. And so, it is with a heavy heart, we have made the very hard decision to close the Marketplace. 

Janet has some ideas on how to use the space in the future (Classes? Small Chef Tasting paired dinner experiences?) and we will include you in our decision-making process. For now, we are going to take a breath.

Janet loved her little Marketplace and she poured heart and soul into it but she simply was not able to push that rope uphill, no matter how hard she tried. It is with much sadness that we lose Claire and Elizabeth up front and Margot in the kitchen. These things are never easy. 

This is the time to stock up! As is typical for us, we have made the decision quickly and are working out the details on the fly. There will be a means to order meals and “take-out catering” will be an area of emphasis in the future.

Please do come see us this week. All the wine will be on sale and we will be filling the coolers with our reserve stock. Saturday the 29th will be the last day. Stay tuned for the next adventure.


A Bistro With A Bar


The Reopening